"G. Crimp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've recently installed Debian/Linux 1.1 on my Pentium 100, from the 
> InfoMagic Linux Developer's Resource 6 CD set, Sept 1996 release. 


> Setting out to discover what was taking up the 530 Mb of my Linux 
> partition I discovered the file "/usr/lib/texmf/ini/latex.log" which was 
> occupying a whopping 410,399,744 bytes of disk real estate.


That's quite a big file.

The TeX packages in Debian 1.1 were pulled and replaced with teTeX
because (quoting from the preinst) "these packages had serious
problems".  Can you afford the approx. US$5 + postage to order a pair
of 1.3 CD's from Cheap Bytes or LSL?

BTW, the Debian bug tracking system is at

      Carey Evans  <*>  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

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kernel: validated probe(100007f, 100007f, 11557, 5010, -1645409555) 

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