Nicola Bernardelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>     > -cut--
>     > 2.0.31-pre7 seems to be working ok (no deadlocks).
>     > 2.0.30 or 2.0.29 with the deadlock-patch 6 works fine too.
>     > --cut--
> Suppose that after buying a 2 CPU motherboard you find that with some I/O
> intensive application there are deadlocks, would a kernel compiled with no
> SMP run on that motherboard?

That will work fine.  I have had a vary stable SMP system, doing heavy
I/O, using 2.0.14.  It was in 2.0.15 that there was some
reorganization of the interrupt code that started the deadlock
problems.  (2.0.30 with no patches would deadlock on me after less
than an hour with my normal workload running, just as a datapoint.
With deadlock patch 5 I had one lockup in a few weeks.)  I have also
heard that 2.1.51 is stable under SMP, but only from one person, and I
have not tried it myself yet.

+--------------------  finger for pgp public key  ---------------------+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |       |

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