I haven't received any responses on this since I posted it a few days ago,
so thought I'd try again.

If you've got MajorDomo running, I'd like to "talk" further with you.

Please help if you can.


Kevin Traas   Baan Business Systems
Systems Analyst  Langley, BC, Canada
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (604) 882-8169
> Linux is not user-friendly.
It _is_ user-friendly.  It's just not ignorant-friendly or idiot-friendly.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Traas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: Monday, September 08, 1997 4:05 PM
Subject: MajorDomo Config

>I'm trying to configure MajorDomo on my Debian GNU/Linux 1.3.x system.  I'd
>post to the MajorDomo mailing list; however, I've installed the Debian
>package, so thought I'd check here first....
>I'm running Deb Pkg version 1.94.1-7.
> I've configured MajorDomo as per all the docs, etc. as far as I can tell.
>I've gone over everything carefully.  However, when I try to send an e-mail
>to majordomo requesting "lists", I get the following reply.
>-------- snip --------
>MAJORDOMO ABORT (mj_majordomo)!!
>While running with an effective uid of 65534 and an effective gid of 65534,
>ran into the following problems:
>Unable to write to log file, check permissions on /var/log/majordomo/log
>Unable to write to list directory $listdir, check permissions on
>-------- snip --------
>These are the pertinent permissions for /var/log/majordomo/log
>drwxrwxr-x   2 majordom majordom     1024 Sep  7 06:47 .
>drwxrwsr-x   9 root     adm          3072 Sep  8 07:10 ..
>-rw-rw-r--   1 majordom adm             0 Sep  7 06:47 log
>These are the pertinent permissions for /var/lib/majordomo/lists
>drwxrwsr-x   2 majordom majordom     1024 Aug 29 15:35 .
>drwxrwsr-x   5 majordom majordom     1024 Jul 10 17:05 ..
>-rw-r--r--   1 majordom majordom       15 Aug 29 15:34 baantools
>-rw-r--r--   1 majordom majordom       72 Aug 29 15:35 baantools.intro
>From the docs, etc., these permissions look like they shouldn't be causing
>any problems.  The only thing that I find strange above is the line about
>"While running with an effective uid of 65534 and an effective gid of
>65534".  Is MajorDomo supposed to run as "nobody"?  Shouldn't it be running
>as "majordom"?  How do I fix this if it's the problem?
>Also, the following is the output of MajorDomo's "config-test".  Does this
>provide any clues?  I noticed that the effective and real user's listed
>below are identified as "majordom" as expected.
>Finally, as this output noted, I ran this as "root".  However, running it
>a regular user (as the docs suggest), give exactly the same results.
>inetgw# wrapper config-test
>---------------- Config-test for Majordomo ----------------
>--------------------- Obvious things: ---------------------
>------------------ environment variables ------------------
>   HOME=/usr/lib/majordomo
>   LOGNAME=root
>   MAJORDOMO_CF=/etc/majordomo.cf
>   PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
>   SHELL=/bin/sh
>   USER=root
>--------------------- euid/egid checks ---------------------
>   effective user  = majordom (uid 30)
>   effective group = majordom majordom (gid 31 31 )
>---------------------- uid/gid checks ----------------------
>   real      user  = majordom (uid 30)
>   real      group = majordom majordom (gid 31 31 )
>        Non obvious things that cause headaches:
>Good: 'require'd /etc/majordomo.cf okay.
>Good: found ctime.pl okay.
>Good: found majordomo_version.pl okay.
>Good: found majordomo.pl okay.
>Good: found shlock.pl okay.
>Good: found config_parse.pl okay.
>You're running Majordomo Version 1.94.1.
>--==> Majordomo home directory is /usr/lib/majordomo.
>------------------- Include directories -------------------
>        /usr/lib/majordomo
>        /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.00307
>        /usr/lib/perl5
>        /usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux
>        /usr/local/lib/site_perl
>        .
>--------------------------- Home ---------------------------
>Good: changedir to /usr/lib/majordomo succeeded.
>Good: Created a mock lock file.
>---------------------- temp directory ----------------------
>Good: Created a temp file in $TMPDIR (/usr/tmp).
>---------------------- list directory ----------------------
>Good: list directory /var/lib/majordomo/lists has good permissions.
>--------------------------- log ---------------------------
>Good: logfile /var/log/majordomo/log exists and is writeable.
>------------------------- Mailers -------------------------
>You have defined a mailer for delivery.
>Attempting to verify that this is a valid mailer...looks okay.
>You have defined a mailer for delivering administrative messages.
>Attempting to verify that this is a valid mailer...looks okay.
>------------------ Checking majordomo.cf ------------------
>Checking to see if there are new variables that should be in
>your majordomo.cf file...BAD:  Couldn't open sample.cf for reading, No such
> or directory
><<<  What is this sample.cf and where should it be located? Is this a bug
>the MajorDomo Debian Package that it wasn't installed?>>>
>Unknown configuration variables in existing majordomo.cf:
>        $TMPDIR
>        $admin_body
>        $admin_headers
>        $bounce_mailer
>        $config
>        $config_umask
>        $digest_work_dir
>        $filedir
>        $filedir_suffix
>        $global_taboo_body
>        $global_taboo_headers
>        $index_command
>        $listdir
>        $log
>        $mailer
>        $majordomo_dont_reply
>        $majordomo_request
>        $max_which_hits
>        $no_true_x400
>        $no_x400at
>        $return_subject
>        $sendmail_command
>        $whoami
>        $whoami_owner
>Have you configured where Majordomo is?
>        $whereami is baan-bbs.ca
>Good: yup!
>----------------------- end of tests -----------------------
>1 bad thing was found.
>Please fix before attempting to run Majordomo.
>Thanks for any help you can provide.
>Kevin Traas   Baan Business Systems
>Systems Analyst  Langley, BC, Canada
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (604) 882-8169
>> Linux is not user-friendly.
>It _is_ user-friendly.  It's just not ignorant-friendly or idiot-friendly.

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