------ Wildflower Hill, Head Waters, Virginia ------                     
On 97/09/12 at 05:22 AM -0400, Victor Torrico wrote: 

> Hello,
> Installed X from debian 1.31 CD.
> Upon boot the screen comes up with the console login prompt.  After I log
> in the console and do a "/etc/init.d/xdm start" the X login window comes 
> up and X works fine after logging in.
> What must be done to get X to come up automatically instead of stopping at
> the console login prompt?

The /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm symlink was missing.  Made symlink in the /etc/rc2.d
directory of "ln -s /etc/init.d/xdm S99xdm" and all was well.


Victor Torrico

       ------ Wildflower Hill, Head Waters, Virginia ------

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