> > 
> > Hmm ... I have a SB16 and midi works fine without isapnptools,  maybe
> > that's the difference.
> You probably have a waveblaster extension mounted to i/o 330 using the
> MPU 401 interface.  The SB 32 has a build-in (non MPU 401 compatible)
> Emu8000 waveblaster that need to be initialized to work correctly.
> I tried pnp extension for the kernel too and the whole sound card
> stoped working.  Now I have the normal kernel with the awe patches
> installed and use isapnp to initialize all devices on the sound card.
> BTW: The normal SB 16 compatible sound works without any special
>      initilization, only the midi part needs extra handling to work
>      correctly.
>         Torsten
> -- 

What do you use for the isapnp config file?  I tried it, but it could never
initialize the MIDI portions.  I have to boot dos and use loadlin to get it
to work.

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