> On Sep 12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
> > On Fri, 12 Sep 1997, dada wrote:
> >
> > > Is there any how-to to setup an ppp server under Debian?
> > >
> > > I need detailled information becouse I'm newie :-) and I want set up one
> > > ppp server at my home.
> > >
> > > Regards.
> >       Depending how many users you want to server try checking out
> > Portslave at http://homepage.cistron.nl/~miquels/radius/  I found it to be
> > an excellent program and fairly self-documenting.  We're using it as a
> > temp solution until PRI prices drop here in BC Canada and we order our
> > PM3's.
> As some folks here know, I have a fairly complete page for either
> mgetty or portslave setup. http://www.buoy.com/isp

Hi..Tim. Yes I used information that is in your home page...but don't
work to me.

I don't compile nothing....i only install mgetty pakage (.deb). Then
modific my "inittab" and do all you say from here.

what can i do?


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