On Thu, Sep 18, 1997 at 03:45:17PM -0400, Eloy A. Paris wrote:
: >If that's all you want, it's easy.  Do this:
: >
: >1) Authenticate the user against the system's /etc/passwd.
: OK, my script is doing this. The user can enter his login ID and his
: password through a HTML form and the CGI script validates the user against
: /etc/passwd making sure the UID of the users is >= 1000.
: >2) Use Apache's suEXEC module to run the CGI under the user's UID, 
: >   after authenticating the user.
: This sounds like the solution but where can I find this module? It is not
: part of the apache-modules package.

It's part of Apache 1.2 feature set..  See:


for more info...

Jason Costomiris <><            | "VMS is about as secure as a poodle 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               |  encased in a block of lucite....
http://www.jasons.org/~jcostom/ |  .... about as useful, too."
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