There's not much of a difference between this and them getting a telnet
prompt.  Sure they can look at your front door, but they don't get
anywhere unless they have a key.  If this is still a big problem, look
into /etc/host.deny, or see what port it is on and try /etc/services.

Found it in /etc/services, comment these out and restart inetd (killall
-HUP inetd):
xdmcp           177/tcp           # X Display Mgr. Control Proto
xdmcp           177/udp

Good luck,

On Mon, 22 Sep 1997, Buddha Buck wrote:

> Greetings,
>   I run Debian "unstable" connected to a dorm network at my school.  
> Recently, people have started experimenting with Win95-based X servers, 
> which apparantly broadcast messages across the network looking for 
> XDMCP servers willing to use their display.  I found about this by 
> reading a school-based newsgroup where someone mentioned getting a XDM 
> login screen from my machine.
>   At the very least, I consider this a security problem.  I don't want 
> to have to run x via startx, but I -really- don't want to offer login 
> screens to everybody on the local net.  If that is how xdm is 
> configured by default, I'll definately file a bug on it.
>   How can I configure xdm so that it will -only- serve local servers?

Brandon Mitchell                         E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  PGP: finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 
"We all know Linux is does infinite loops in 5 seconds."
        --Linus Torvalds

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