According to Remco Blaakmeer  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I took a look at the output of the X server in an earlier post and it
> already uses xfs for the fonts. But you have to configure xfs so that it
> looks in the right place for the fonts. Take a look at the 'catalogue'
> line in /etc/X11/xfs/config. You have to set this to exactly the set of
> font dirs that you have. Xfs is very unforgiving if you specify an
> unexisting or empty directory (dumps core on my computer). I encountered
> the same problem when I wanted to start using xfs for the fonts and found
> that I had to remove the '100dpi' directory from the 'catalogue' line. It
> now works fine for me. 

I experienced exactly the same, when I first updated the fonts, but
not the Xserver.  I had to play around with the Catalogue line until
only the valid paths were listed.  Then I updated to XFree86 3.3 and
could restore the previous Catalogue line.  So, I think xfs should
be configured fine.  Is there any way to make xfs list the fonts it
can serve?  In order to check the configuration?

If that's not it, I am still clueless.  Should I - maybe - completely
purge X and reinstall it?  I'd hate to do it, but if there is no other

Thanks to all,
 Andy Spiegl, University of Technology, Muenchen, Germany
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