I'm in the process of converting my boss to believing that Linux can
act as a fast and stable file && print server.  Help!

I've got a Compaq ProSignia something-or-other up and running just 
fine under 1.3.1.  I've got an old LJ IIP hooked up to it, and am 
using lpr-ng and magicfilter to print to it...

Samba (Lose95 and LoseNT) clients can file and print just fine.

Macs (using netatalk, of course) can file just fine, but can't
print.  What am I missing?

Jason Costomiris <><            | "VMS is about as secure as a poodle 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               |  encased in a block of lucite....
http://www.jasons.org/~jcostom/ |  .... about as useful, too."
#include <disclaimer.h>         |          --some guy I read on Usenet

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