On Mon, 29 Sep 1997 18:45:02 EDT J Hulley-Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

> I was just trying to upgrade to the latest libc6 tcl/tk packages and
> the install failed because it could not overwrite libtk4.2.so.1.
> ls -la reports:
> p-w---s-wt   1 5513     33730           0 Jul  5  1962 libtk4.2.so.1
> All attempts to rm or change it have failed. Anyone know how I can get
> rid of it ? Thanks.

Mmmh, looks like you have a problem with your filesystem here.
Check that the file is not immutable (lsattr libtk4.2.so.1), and eventually 
chattr it.
Now, how did this shared library became a pipe ?
Which version of kernel/e2fsprogs have you got ?


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