
Only wanted to say that your punctuation mark key is broken.
And please shorten your lines.


On Sun, Sep 21, 1997 at 02:48:42PM -0800, Lawrence Lucier wrote:
> ** Reply to note from Lawrence Lucier <[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun, 21 Sep 1997 
> 01:28:15 PST  
>    Howdy all...........:-)  
> Still having problems with trying to install Debian........I have included my 
> original message   
> Also I have a old Herc amber monitor hooked up to this computer........could 
> this be a source of   
> Can anyone suggest a URL for a good FAQ or primer which covers installing 
> Debian.......the one I   

> have is kinda scant on information regarding install problems......... 
> the user wants the system rebooted.........when I answer yes, all that 
> happens is a couple of   
> lines of text stating "Closing xxxxx files" etc.  The reboot does not take 
> place......the   
>    correctly but again I am left with a hung screen.........the driver text 
> info is displayed as  
>    Any thoughts on why these things are occuring would be greatly 
> appreciated......thanks! :-)  
"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."
Marcus Brinkmann

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