On Tue, 30 Sep 1997, Hasibul Haque wrote:

> I have a quantum fireball ST6 IDE hardrive with  Pentium II 233 cpu. I
> have 1 primary partion with win95 and 2 logical drives - one of them
> is empty for linux install the other one has windows nt. 
> I am able to boot the rescue floppy but at the menu when I choose
> 'partition hard disk' I am getting a message thats saying hard drive
> could not be detected and to check cables or change driver settings
> at boot: prompt or load a driver. Thanks.

Hmmm...  I've never had a problem detecting an IDE drive, but I've never
seen a Pentium II system up close.

Dale, do you have any ideas?  Could there be a driver incompatibility
with the new Pentium II motherboards?  I have not yet heard any examples
of people running Linux on Pentium II systems.

Hasib, I suggest that you search through the newsgroups
comp.os.linux.hardware and/or comp.os.linux.setup, comp.os.linux.misc for
references to Pentium II systems, and see if there is any useful info.

Thanks.  Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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