
I just packaged xvgr for debian sucessfully - my first package. I'd like
to tell all of you who never did that, but already have compiled software
on their own that it is not very difficult. It's almost fun! 

(xvgr is a plotting tool for X. I am not sure if it is already in hamm, I
just wanted to try out how it works.)

Now, I need someone who can help me with some questions from time to time.
I will have (and already have) questions which are not answered in
info or man or /usr/doc. I need some 'daddy' to help me find the way :-)
I could go to the debian-devel list, but I am afraid I would bother them
with my stupid questions. And, I don't want to upgrade to unstable yet, so
I may need someone who helps me with publishing.

Let me advertise a bit more: If you think you may be able to debianise a
program, try it. Let debian be growing. :-)

Have fun,
Lukas Eppler (godot)
                                                  talk:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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