>I have a MAC address (ethernet address) that I'm trying to figure
  >out what IP is associated with it.  I know that there is a
  >Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) that these machines use
  >to determine these types of things transparent to the user.
  >Is there a command line version where I could enter a MAC address
  >and get it to do the RARP and return an IP to me?

You don't need RARP except for a diskless boot.  RARP says, "Here I am
(with MAC address ...); what is my IP address?"

To find the IP address of a MAC interface *which*your*machine*has*seen*,
use `/usr/sbin/arp -a -n' (the -n returns the IP address rather than the
name).  I don't think that there is any way to find the IP address of
an arbitrary MAC device which isn't on the current network.

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                                  http://lfix.co.uk/oliver

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