Mike Lucius wrote:
  >Just loaded Linux for the 1st time. I would like to know how to create
  >an msdos file system. I think I need other files installed on my system
  >but have not been able to figure out what or how.

You can't _create_ an MSDOS file system in Linux, but you can mount an
existing one.  You should only create a partition using the operating
system to which it belongs.

The syntax for the command, which must be executed by the superuser (root) is:

  mount -t msdos device mount_point

where device specifies the disk and partition and mount_point is a directory
where the partition will be mounted.

For example, I create a directory called /dosc and run

  mount -t msdos /dev/hda1 /dosc

which mounts the first primary partition of my first (master) IDE disk
under the /dosc directory.  (There is already a DOS partition there, of
course.)  I can then type `ls /dosc/windows' or whatever.

Use `man mount' to see further information.

You can also access a DOS floppy disk directly with the commands from
the mtools package.

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                                  http://lfix.co.uk/oliver

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