Tim Sailer wrote:

> I was wondering if there was any software out there that would do
> the job of the microsoft ils servers that netmeeting use. We have
> a very small group that wants to set up a semi-private network
> and use netmeeting for documentation purposes..

Severs? We don't need no stinkin' servers! Use multicast!

Seriously though, I'm not terribly familiar with all the functionality
of netmeeting but at my first glance, it appeared to have taken quite
a few hints from the MBone tools that Van Jacobson's group at LBL has
been working on.  You may want to take a look at:

We used their vic (video conference), vat (audio conference), wb
(whiteboard), and sdr (session directory) quite extensively (when I
was at LBL).  Sharing applications though, I'm not sure about.  wb can
be used for static images and text but I haven't seen much enabling a
group to collaborate on a spreadsheet or word processor document.  But
one never knows...  I haven't been keeping up on the latest mbone

A good collection of pointers on all things MBone can also be found
at: http://www-itg.lbl.gov/mbone/#reflinks


ps - I'd be curious to know what you do decide to go with, if you could
drop me a note...

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