Ken Lauffenburger wrote:
  >> mh has probably been compiled to use sendmail. Get the source and recompil
  >> it.
  >OK, I'll try that.
  >But I thought that exim was supposed to be a drop-in replacement for
  >sendmail (?).  For instance, there are sendmail links to /sbin/exim in
  >/usr/lib and /usr/sbin.  Does mh use some features of sendmail that are
  >not provided by exim?

If so, this may not be your problem.  MH programs do explicitly call sendmail:

 linda:/usr/home/olly$ strings /usr/bin/mh/send | grep sendmail

but if sendmail is linked to exim, and exim behaves the same way, I don't
see why MH should care.

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                        

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