Hello there, I got this config in my box:
motherboard- Asus TX97E
processor-Pentium 166MMX
soundcard- SB16
vga- Jaton58P(ET6000)2megs

hardisk: currently plug into primary ide port
1-ide seagate 2.5 G partition as:
    hda1-fat16 for win95  400M
    hda2-linux swap  50M
    hda3-ext2             1.5G
    hda4-ntfs               500M

2.ide corner 420M

12x creative infra plug into secondary (ide-atapi)

currently tripple booting with ntloader with no trouble at all, linux using
kernel 2.0.31 which I installed 3 days ago..

I had just bought an IDE seagate medalist pro6451 ultra ATA 6.4G, I have not
tried it yet, before I make any mistake, I would like to ask everybody to
point me.
1-where should I put the data cable of this drive?
    should I move the cdrom data cable to sound card ide controller, and
placing 6.4G into secondary port?or
    6.4G as secondary master and cdrom as secondary slave?(is this
    are there any other options?

    After reading thru the cdrom manual, there is a part stating to avoid
connecting Creative Infra CDrom drive to the IDE
    connector of the audio card, it might not be able to achieve its maximum
data transfer rate. But it does not tell me how
    much slower will it be.., any one can tell me about this?what about the
secondary slave?will it slows down the secondary
    master (in my case 6.4 ide hardisk)?

2- I would like to dedicate 6.4G drive for linux, but I have no experience
in moving directories, and I do not want to mess up
    my linux, and do a fresh install, so what is the best way to do it?
where can I find FAQ and HOWTO for this situation?Do
    not ask me to review a certain book, anything about unix/linux is rare


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