On 19-Oct-97 Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
>> Now for the tough part. :-)
>> I want to be able to use some of the things I've grown used to with
>> Caldera. In particular, LISA (Linux Installation and System Adminstration)
>> is a life-saver. It allows me to easily change hardware and network
>> settings. I'm not unix savvy enough at this point to know where to do this
>> without LISA. (I'm also lazy and like being able to do everything from one
>> utility.)
>Mmmh. I never heard of anyone on this list wanting to use LISA. I can
>imagine that it is impossible, because of different conf-file location etc.

Y'know, LISA is very similar to the menus that the Debian install disks use. If
we could install those menus onto the system and add a couple of items (add new
user, etc) it might make a decent replacement.

It might be like running "setup" on a slackware box.  Those install bootup
menus sure make it easy to modify a system.  I wish I could run them without
having to boot from floppy.

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