Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
  >     I'm trying to install Debian on a PPro and I having problems
  >with Lilo.
  >     I can use the boot floppy created at install step but if I
  >compile a custom kernel, install it and run lilo, the boot process
  >or hangs with "LIL-"

>From /usr/doc/lilo/Manual.txt:

   LIL-   The descriptor table is corrupt. This can either be caused by a 
    geometry mismatch or by moving /boot/map without running the map 

I don't know if this is sufficient information for you.  What have you
got in /etc/lilo.conf?  How are you running lilo?

  >                      or after the boot is completed there is a 
  >kernel panic with a lot of scroll in screen.
  >     The system is a PPro 200MHz with FX mother board, AHA2940
  >scsi adpter, Quantum Vicking 4GB Scsi hard disk, 128MB RAM, and a 3COM 905
  >Boomerang net card.
  >     Any help/ More info, please?

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                        

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