1) Nethack has a problem with the /var/lib/games/nethack/perm(?) file,
and claims there's no permission to write to it.  I changed
/usr/lib/games/nethack/nethack to setuid, and it worked (it was setgid
already).  I presume setuid was the wrong thing to do; what's the real

2) can't get gravitywars to work.  I presume it's because svgalib
isn't set up right, but I don't know how to do that.  I filled with
the config file, but have no way of telling if it's set up right or
wrong.  How does one test svgalib setup?  Also, how does one fix up
the display once it's messed up?  I remember this as being simple
under slackware/redhat, but now I can't recall what the magic command
to restore the scren is (restoretextmode isn't it, it wants a file as
an argument, and textmode does nothing, etc).

(then again, in three years, I've never had svgalib work correctly,
but I was hoping that with a new video card, it'd be worth trying
again.  Since everyone writes games for it, I assume it must be
working for someone)

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