I'm having a problem installing Debian on my box.  After I select install
operating system and modules i get the following message.

Installing from the rescue floppy ...
general protection: 0000
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<037e375c>]
EFLAGS: 00010a92
eax: 00000025   ebx: 037e372c   ecs: 00000019   edx: 00e80c0d
esi: 037e372c   edi: 00000001   ebp: 00000001   esp: 00ea5dd8
ds: 0018   es: 0018  fs: 002b   gs: 002b   ss:0018
Process cp (pid:301, process nr: 9, stackpage-00ea5000)

I have created a number of boot floppies, tried the 2.0.29 and 2.0.30 boot
and driver floppies to no avail.  The floppy drive works because they
worked fine under Windows.  And they all fail at the same point during
installation of the rescue floppy.

My hardware is a P150 with 64MB EDO ram, ATI PCI Expressed 3d, IDE Hard

Any help appreciated.

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