On Tue, 21 Oct 1997, Jason Wright wrote:

> Howdy...
> Awhile back, I bought RedHat Motif when I thought that I'd be running
> their distribution.  Well, I discovered that I liked Debian better and
> that alien, as shipped with Debian 1.2 would install the motif RPMs.
> I've since upgraded my installation by hand to 1.3 (without using deselect)
> and now alien seems unable to install the RPMs.  I get the same error when
> trying to install other RPMs or .tar.gz's.

> --------------- debstd processing finished --------------
> dpkg-gencontrol
> dpkg-gencontrol: failure: chown new files list file: Illegal seek
> make: *** [binary-arch] Error 29
> Package build failed.

Are you running alien from the RAW TEXT CONSOLE? (I mean: not an xterm nor
Midnight Commander prompt)
I got the same error running dpkg-gencontrol from debian "build", when I
was recompiling debian sorce packages. The reason was that I was running
build from xterm or Midnight Commander. May be there is the same problem?
I hope that this may help

                        Wojtek Zabolotny
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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