On Fri, 24 Oct 1997, Matt Thompson wrote:

> > >I saw this network card on the Hardware-HOWTO list, so I was thinking
> > >about buying one (I need a PCI network card, all my ISA's are used up).
> > >I just installed the 2.0.29 source using dselect, and i did an xconfig
> > >as root.  When I got to the Network device support area, I see the
> > >entry for the EtherExpress Pro, but it's in faded text and I can't
> > >select it.
> > I wrote the Intel Etherexpress Pro driver to support the original ISA
> > card.  The newer PCI uses a different chipset, 82556, which is the same
> > as the one in the ExterExpress Pro 100B.  Donald Becker wrote a driver
> > for it.  You should be able to use his driver to detect and to use the
> > PCI Pro/10.
> cool!  where can i find this?

I believe it is in kernel 2.1.x.  For kernel 2.0.x, it is avaliable on
Donald Becker's web page:


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