> I know that the question I am asking most probably have "It is impossible"
> as an answer. But still....

I won't be impossible... just might not be coded yet :-)

> What I can not do (and what the question is about) is run an X-Windows
> application off remote host on my second computer. I mean the following.
> If I telnet from my second computer to, say, my university account and run
> xclock off my university it opens window on my first computer, not second.
> Is it possible to redirect it to the second one? 

This is because the box running IP Masq and doen't have a proxy for X
forwarding built in.  I believe (from memory) that one of the things the
FAQ mentions is that there in no X proxy for IP Masq written yet.

The only other option I can think of is to connect to the box you want to
run the X app from with ssh and run the app through that.  This will work
(I believe) because ssh tunnels the X session through it.

If you haven't played with SSH yet you should... get the package from one
of the non-us mirrors and install it.... it's *much* better then telnet
where you are vulnrable to people sniffing your password.

> I think I should probably reconfigure X-Windows on my first machine to be
> able to do it. 

I don't think this is an X configuration issue.  It is an IP Masq issue.


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