On 26-Oct-97 Colin R. Telmer wrote:
> I have done a e2fsck -fnv but it also did not reveal any problems (output
> below). However, it did reveal the existence of 27 block device files
> that
> I assume have no reason to be under /home. I'm at a loss - any other
> suggestions? Thanks, Colin.
> frisch:/# e2fsck -fnv /dev/hda6
> e2fsck 1.10, 24-Apr-97 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
>    24468 regular files
>     1128 directories
>       19 character device files
>       27 block device files
>        3 fifos
>       20 links
>      292 symbolic links (292 fast symbolic links)
>        2 sockets
> --------
>    25959 files  

This ties in with what you first posted -- only more so.

You then showed 1 block device (filetype letter "b"): fsck has found 27.
You showed 2 character device (filetype letter "c"): fsck has found 19.
It would be most bizarre if any of these things were legitimately under
/home, and they are almost certainly all spurious.

You also showed 2 fifos (named pipes, filetype letter "p"): fsck has
found 3.
fsck has also found 2 sockets. Fifos and sockets are quite possible in
/home, depending on what users are doing, but both of the fifos you showed
had the names of .gif files (though they showed in the listing with size 0,
as fifos should). So at least these two are spurious; probably the sockets
are too.   

This also ties in with the results you got with Philippe Troin's suggestion
of lsattr:

frisch:/home/reevesj/.netscape/cache# lsattr 07
lsattr 1.10, 24-Apr-97 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
lsattr: No such device While reading flags on 07     

This, according to the directory listing purports to be a block device with
major,minor = 73,60 and such a combination corresponds to no device type
that I know of.

frisch:/home/reevesj/.netscape/cache# lsattr 13
lsattr 1.10, 24-Apr-97 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
lsattr: Invalid argument While reading flags on 13/cache340259B30125B9F.gif
lsattr: Invalid argument While reading flags on 13/cache343150330010C49.gif
lsattr: No such device While reading flags on 13/cache340259B30115B9F 

The first two files purported to be fifos (pipes) while their names suggest
they should be .gif files, and lsattr has found invalid flags.

The third file purported to be a character device with maj,min = 60,62
(again unkown type), and lsattr again finds "No such device".

My impression is that so much corrupt info has been written to disk that it
is probably "fubar" (in the orignal military sense of that expression).
There is a program which allows direct editing of inodes, but it's a very
long shot at the best of times even for experts (which I'm not); and in any
case I reckon attempting to mend the disk by hand needs an expert sitting in
front of the machine. I'll back off now: I think it's time for any real
filesystem experts reading all this evidence to give a considered diagnosis
(and prognosis). I'm only speaking from memories of painful experience, and
general knowledge ...

Best wishes,

E-Mail: Ted Harding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26-Oct-97                                       Time: 19:26:52

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