On Sun, Oct 26, 1997 at 02:36:12PM -0600, Frank Sergeant wrote:
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thalia L. Hooker) wrote
>      I seem to have (nearly) the same problem on my AMD K90 system,
> except the error I usually get is "segmentation fault".  Again, it
> happens at random places during a kernel compile.  (I delete the
> last .obj file and restart the compile with 'make zImage' and the
> compile continues.  Eventually, I make it all the way through with
> a successful compile.)  I also run into it perhaps 1 out of 3 times
> when I do a large LaTeX compile, again at random places in the
> compile.
>      I am inclined to believe that the sig 11 and the segmentation
> faults are indeed symptoms of bad hardware.  Last May, I spent
> several days swapping RAM SIMMs around, hoping to get a good
> set that would cure the kernel compile symptom, but with no
> luck.  I have tentatively concluded that my problem is not
> bad RAM but some other hardware problem.  My next step, when
> I have the strength to face it, is to pull all the non-essential
> cards and try again.  I also have a few additional SIMMs to
> try, just in case all the others I tried were bad.  If pulling
> the cards doesn't solve it, I will see if I can jump the
> motherboard to reduce the CPU clock speed and/or bus speed.
> I already tried turning off the CPU and motherboard caches,
> without that solving it.

You can also change the bios setings, adding more wait states or so.
>      Now, another interesting point: if indeed the problems
> I've experienced on this machine are really _hardware_
> problems, and even though W95 cannot cope with those
> failures gracefully, is it possible that W95 runs
> reliably given flawless hardware?  That is, is it possible
> that W95 gets a worse reputation than it deserves due
> to unsuspected bad hardware?  Perhaps I will take to
> recommending that customers purchase only Hewlett-Packward
> PCs.  Would that solve it?  (At least, Hewlett-Packward
> seems to have a good reputation for quality hardware.)

Please notice, that a kernel compile stresses the machine to its end. Linux
does use the power of your machine more than windoze. You can have a
flawless working Win machine (well, what you call flawless windoze...:)
and Linux does seg11 anyway, because windozw does not use the power of the

Linux does faster RAM access, so adding waitstates in the bios may help.


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