On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, Richard G. Roberto wrote:

> I propose that all elected posts in the Debian organization
> be subject to the following term limits:

So, Richard.  Are you ready to commit a lot of your private time to
becoming project leader for a year?  Will you step to the plate and pledge
away a significant portion of your life to Debian?  If not, then I suggest
that you retract your proposal.  I don't have the time or expertise
required to do Bruce's job.  Do you?  When and if there is a viable
candidate that shows the same dedication and resposibility to the project
as Bruce, then I will gladly support him or her.  Until then, a proposal
like this is meaningless IMHO.

Thanks.  Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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