[sent only to debian-user, not cross-posted to debian-devel]

On Thu, 30 Oct 1997 01:30:58 GMT "Oliver Elphick" (olly@lfix.co.uk) 

> I am trying to use dump to write to DAT tape (60m long); I believe the
> capacity of this is something around 2Gb.

Yes, about 2Gb.

> dump seems to believe that the capacity is something like 45Mb and, contrary
> to what the manual says, does not keep on writing to the end of the tape, but
> asks for a new volume after only 45Mb.
> I tried specifying block size and number of blocks:
>    dump 0unfBb /dev/nst0 16000 64 /var
> but this seemed to make matters worse rather than better.
> Then I tried specifying density and length: the figures are obviously outside
> any range contemplated:
>    dump 0unfds /dev/nst0 10900932 197
> and dump refused to accept the density figure, so i had to decrease the 
> density and
> increase the length until my input was accepted.
> Should dump be able to detect the end of a DDS tape?  If so, should it not
> use EOT as a marker rather than trying to calculate tape lengths when it is 
> not asked to do so?

You probably want dump find itself the end of tape.
I personnaly use:
        dump 0fubB $device 10 4194304
for a 90m 2GB tape without hw compression (which means it will always run to 
the end of tape whatever happens).


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