I had the same problem some time ago. It would happen when I used less. 
As time went by more and moreof my consoles would suffer that. It stopped 
on its own after upgrading to a new kernel (at the time I was using 2.0.0 
) and I guess I must have upgraded less at some point. 

I know this isn't much help but try upgrading relevant packges and see 
what happens.

On Thu, 6 Nov 1997, James Dietrich wrote:

> Several times I have had it happen that after running (and quitting) top
> on one of my virtual terminals, the terminal then uses only the bottom
> line of the screen.  Everything seems to work all right, because I can
> type commands and login and logout just fine except for the fact that all
> output is restricted to the bottom line.  When the terminal is in this
> state, top will run and use the entire screen, but it redraws in a strange
> way--quite a bit of flickering and blinking at the top of the screen
> during each redraw/update.
> FWIW, this only seems to happen after my computer has been up for a
> while--a day or two.  I am running Debian 1.3 and kernel 2.0.30.  And I
> have tried killing all the process on the offending tty, but the problem
> still persists.
> Anyone else seen this quirk?  Any ideas on how to fix it?  I would like to
> be able to fix it without rebooting ( it must be possible :-) )
> Thanks for your help.
> James
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George Kapetanios
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