On Thu, 06 Nov 1997 02:48:26 -0900 Adam Shand ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I'm setting up an automated script which needs the functionality of rsh to
> execute some commands on a remote machine, and I need it to *not* prompt
> for a pasword.  I know that I can do this with SSH using a .shosts file,
> but I would like to use one of SSH's additional methods of host
> authentication as well (to make it more secure against DNS pollution
> attacks etc).
> Is this possible to do and still not have to enter a password?  Can anyone
> expain how or point me to relevant documentation?

You want to use ssh-agent.
This works like this:
        make a key pair with ssh-keygen
        put the public key in any server you want to be able to log in
        put the private key in any machine you want to log from
        put a .identity link in your .ssh directory
        run ssh-agent and ssh-askpass before running ssh/scp/slogin.

You also want to read the ssh and ssh-agent manpages...


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