On Fri, 7 Nov 1997, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I recently got a problem with a printer filter used by lpr.  The filter
> is used for a HP Deskjet 870 cxi, and used to work properly on this
> machine, and still does on other machines:
> hp870raw is a remote printer.  The problem might be caused by the
> fact that gs was recently replaced with Alladin-gs, version 4.03-7.  If
> I run `lpr -Pcol1 bla.ps', I see with ps -eaxfwww that gs is run with
> the following arguments:
> /usr/bin/gs -sDEVICE=lvga256 -sDEVICE=cdj550 -q -r300x300 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 ...
>              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> It doesn't stop, and nothing gets printed.

I have the same problem with a similar setup.  I have a HP660c using the
cdj550 settings through apsfilter.  My system is a mix of hamm and bo, but
lately I've been moving back to bo (1 too many problems).  How about
comparing versions.  Also if anyone else has a functioning printer with a
similar setup, I'd be interested to know which of versions of the below
packages you have.

ii  lpr             5.9-20         BSD lpr/lpd line printer spooling
ii  a2ps            4.4-1          a2ps - ASCII to PostScript filter
ii  apsfilter       4.9.1-10       A lineprinter input filter for systems
ii  gs-aladdin      4.03-7         Postscript interpreter with X11 and
ii  gsfonts         4.01-5         Fonts for the ghostscript interpreter

The problem is the same, the printer starts receiving info (light blinks),
but never stops, and nothing is printed.  I'm trying to think of what
other packages could be involved, but I'm at a loss.

I'd welcome any other ideas.  Eventually I'm booting back to win95 to run
the diagnostic software, but if I can avoid that I'd be happy.


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