Ok, guys, I give...

I have a base installation running from floppies (ver 1.3) on a 586
sharing a hard drive with win95.  Everything works as it should, so
far.  I'm trying to get ppp running so I can ftp the packages I need.
I'm a real newbie to linux, and I'm not understanding the setup process
for my modem, an external usr 33.6 voice/fax (not a "winmodem").  I know
my modem is on com 2 / irq 3.  Do I need to make a link somewhere in
/dev to get things rolling?  When I do a dmesg it shows both serial

I've tried reading the howto and other documentation, but it seems I'm
getting myself more confused by the minute.  Can anybody direct me thru
the sequence to get this thing running?  I hear a lot of talk about
minicom, but I don't have it yet.

I think I got most of the IP stuff in right when I did the install, so I
think all I need to get done is get my modem operable & get ppp
configured to get to my isp...

Help please!


 Steve Morrill

 PGP Pub key id: 0xF2459FCD
 Debian LINUX.... Where I really want to go today!

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