trying again; i'mdialed in on a horrible university network . . .

george bonsur wrote,

> On 15-Nov-97 Rick Hawkins wrote:

> > I can't quite get this combination to work.

> > changing /etc/ppp/pap so that the last line is now

> > hawk * mypassword

> Don't you mean pap-secrets?

err, yes :)

> > This much failed to login as it attempted to respond to the login:
> > prompt (which this isp doesn't allow).

> > I commented out the "expect ogin:" and "expect word:" ion
> > ppp.chatscript, which instead gives me an alarm and a failure to
> > connect.

> Change it to expect CONNECT as the last entry.

ok the last line is now "CONNECT" and

and alex wrote,
> > I assume I'm missing something obvious.

> You can't put comments into the chatscript. Remove all extra lines and try
> again. If it fails, look at the end of /var/log/messages for possible 
> explanation.

ok, i've removed those too.  I now get as far as a ppp connection, but
now plog reports, roughly (minicom doesn't seem to allow text paste)

CONNECT--got it
Serial Connection established
Connect ppp0<-> /dev/modem
ICIP: timeout sending Config-requests
Connection terminated

I have no idea what to change after reading the pppd manpage. . . 



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