One of the posters to this thread noted that even if a question has been
posted 500 times the 501 questioner is entitled to an answer.  I agree
with this.  However a lost opportunity occurs when the same people
reanswer the question.  Answering questions is itself edifying. Ask anyone
who has taught and they will confirm this.  If you are a user who has had,
for example, a ppp install question that has been answered.  You now know
the answer.  Why not answer it when it comes up again.  This will
reinforce the information in your brain and is a valid way to contribute
to Debian.  Sharing the burden will help keep Debian more open, more free,
and more democratic. 

I will note again that a more formal Debian training program for newbie
and novice users might be a good idea.  Most beginners need a some formal
structure, even if it is an illusion, to help them learn. 

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