> David Stern wrote:
>My fetchmail, sendmail, and procmail configuration has passed initial
>testing for use with ppp and imap (my isp recomends imap over pop3),
>though it's not been automated or tweaked as of yet.
>I have one important issue to resolve: when I view my email in exmh (57
>messages), I found that all my messages were concatenated into a single

I'd say you're using mbox (all messages in a single file) format whereas
exmh wants mh folder format (each folder is a directory, messages are in
individual files named 1, 2 etc).

You have to set up mh maildir (usually ~/Mail) and folder(s) in there
(default is inbox: ~/Mail/inbox), and tell procmail to deliver there, eg.
* ^TO<filter-expr>.*
| /usr/lib/mh/rcvstore +inbox

see procmail manpages and docs for details.

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