I am not familiar with that specific cdrom but suggest that you might 
want to look for directories named:  "bo", or "stable", or "main", and 
"contrib", and "non-free" (the "non-free" may quite well not be 

In each of those directories (if "bo" and "stable" are both present then 
one will be a link to the other) you should find a file called 
"Packages" or "Packages.gz" (or both).  You can "point" dselect at these 
by answering the first question (about the location of the distribution) 
with "none".  Dselect will then ask you for the location of the 
individual parts of the distribution.  Just give it the path to each of 
the parts answering "none" to "non-free" if it does not exist on the 
cdrom and "none" to the "local" question since it is doubtful that you 
have created any debian packages of your own (yet).

There really _should_ be a README file on the cdrom but yours would not 
be the first Linux distribution cd that I have seen that is not 
structured properly.


> has anyone tried installing debian from
> linux toolkit june 1997
> when dselect asks where the dist is
> I have tried every sub-dir I can and it can't
> find the dist
> anyone else had this prob?
> how did you cure it?
> thanx CC

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