According to Behan Webster:
> Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> > 
> > Neither can I, that's why I'd like you to try the latest version so that
> > _if_ something is wrong I can base the fix also on that latest version..
> Drat.  Same problem using squid version 1.1.17-1.  This is what I found
> on the console after rebooting.
> Running: squid -D -s -f /etc/squid.conf >> /var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1
>                                    /usr/lib/squid/RunCache: line 59:  
> 291 IOT trap/Abort          squid -D -s $conf >>$L 2>&1

Hey, that means you're still using an old /etc/init.d/squid, since the
new one prints totally different messages.

See if there's a /etc/init.d/squid.dpkg-dist file and copy that over
/etc/init.d/squid to see if it helps.

If it doesn't, do the following:

1. copy /etc/squid.conf somewhere safe
2. Rename /var/spool/squid to something else
3. dpkg --purge squid
4. dpkg -i squid_1.1.17-1.deb
5. /etc/init.d/squid stop
6. Copy your old squid.conf back and put back /var/spool/squid
7. /etc/init.d/squid start

That should give you a fresh installation

 Miquel van Smoorenburg |  Studying to be a technomage   <*>
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | "May you live in interesting times"

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