> does anyone have an idea which card I should select in XF86Setup? I really
> would like to use a resolution like 1024*769 in 32bit color - is this
> possible with the X-SVGA server - or du I need to install anotherone?

If you click on the "advanced options" after you choose your card in XF86Setup, 
it will tell you which drive it thinks that card should use.

Or, use xf86Setup instead, which is text-based, but allows you to specifically 
tell it whgich colors & modes to use.  

however, in either case, it should automatically be defaulting to the "best" 
available resolution and bpp.

however, i'l also note that I've had problems with nonsensical modes being 
selected at times; I've chosen, for example, "monitor can do 1280x1024 at 
60hz", and it selects modes outside of the valid range.

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