Thanks Stephen!  Unfortunately my earlier reply to Steve had already left.
You have certainly helped with that understanding.

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==>and yes eventually I'll get the mailer figured out<==
from a 1996 Micro$loth ad campaign:
"The less you know about computers the more you want Micro$oft!"
         See!  They do get some things right!

On Fri, 5 Dec 1997, Stephen Zander wrote:

> Steve Witt wrote:
> > If I may be permitted a quick retraction, 'xterm' works as the class name
> > also.  
> > ...
> XTerm* is the class-level resource (Note the double cap - the only X Class
> that has them).
> xterm* is the executeable-level resource.  Rename /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm
> to something else & those resources should no longer have any effect.
> (This to, is in your excellent list of man-pages :))
> Stephen

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