Curt Howland hat gesagt: // Curt Howland wrote:

> Quick question from a non-unix person who doesn't
> want to break something "just poking around"...
> How does one go into "single user" mode, then start
> the multi user functions again?
> I pulled a defrag package down, but it won't run
> (for blatently obvious reasons) in multi-mode.
> No need to tell me I have to do it from the console,
> that much is clear. :^>

Quick answer:
RTFM telinit.

A bit slower:

Login as root on a console and change the runlevel to single user 
mode with telinit. 

# telinit 1

[ ... Do your sysadmin stuff ...]

Go back to your favorite multiuser runlevel with e.g.

# telinit 2
  Yours                         <a href="";>
  Frank Barknecht               Das Koelner Stadt- und Unimagazin
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