Have you tried running ssh with -v (verbose) option? Also, are you sure 
xauth is available at the remote end when ssh processes try to set up 
the $HOME/.Xauthority keys.

Can't comment on va.debian.org though.

Jason Gunthorpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> Has anyone managed to make ssh and sshd forward X connections?
> It seems to set the display environment variable but it never allocates a
> socket in /tmp/.X11-unix. Very odd, this is on 'va.debian.org' btw.
Which end is this, remote or local? I have a non-X host that has some 
X-utilities in it e.g. rxvt but no X server or console X usage. I have 
never seen /tmp/.X11-unix directories there.

Hope this helps,

// Heikki

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