On Fri, 12 Dec 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Does anyone know how to install packages with dselect, via floppy
> disks?  I know I have to include the packages themselves, .dep files,
> right?  But I think I need to add soemthing else cause I get some
> errors, I need to add like a packages header or something, any ideas? 
        That info is also inside the .deb package.  If its just a few
packages, I use dpkg
Put deb file on hard drive, cd to same directory, then

   dpkg -i pkgname.deb

This installs and extracts the info and changes the files recording the
state of packages ( this is in /var/lib/dpkg )  It won't install if there
are dependency,etc. problems. Sometimes you need to install something
else first. 

> Also does anyone know of a online manual that explains installing new
> packages, binary and source to debian?

man dpkg  , man dselect.

dpkg --help .

Try some of the things listed in the dpkg --help, just to see what
happens. Eg

dpkg -l libc5

lists status of package libc5 

After an install, I never use dselect again, I find it too difficult.
dpkg is easier.

G John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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