On Tue, 16 Dec 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:

: On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, Carlos Barros wrote:
: > And Other thing is that by default 'less' use as editor other than
: > 'vi' (I think that 'vi' is the standart editor in unix), may be 'ae'(
: > don't remember).
: yes, this is very annoying, isn't it. because of some debian policies
: (which do make some sense even if they are inconvenient at times -
: although i still think that it is braindead for vipw and visudo and the
: v key in less to call any editor other than vi), the only convenient way
: to fix this is to edit /etc/profile and add the lines:
:       export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi
:       export VISUAL=$EDITOR

I wish this was the standard ;)

: while you're doing that, you may as well as add the following as well.
: man is a lot more usable when the pager is less.
:       export MANOPT=-Pless

Is there an advantage to this way, as opposed to setting PAGER to
/usr/bin/less ?

: if you're running a recent version of less (i.e. from hamm) then you
: can set up less so that it automatically detects various file types
: (e.g. gzipped files and tar files etc) and pre-processes them before
: displaying them.  Add the following to /etc/profile:
:       eval ($lesspipe)

Minor nitpick:  that should read "eval $(lesspipe)", shouldn't it?

Yes, this is handy (didn't Slackware do this quite some time ago??) ...
I can't believe I ever got along without this feature :)

: earlier versions of less required you to write your own script and set the
: LESSOPEN and/or LESSCLOSE variables yourself.  see the less documentation
: for details. 
: these instructions only work for sh-like shells (bash, zsh, ksh).  if you
: use csh or tcsh then you'll have to modify them to work with csh.  i think
: you use /etc/cshrc instead of /etc/profile and 'setenv' rather than
: 'export' or something like that. 
: BTW, this belongs on debian-user, not on debian-admintool.
: craig

Nathan Norman
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