Someone here is having a problem with the dos side of his machine... 

He installed Debian 1.3.1r6. He has a computer with two IDE disks. One
is Windows (/dev/hdb), the other is Debian (/dev/hda). At installation
time he didn't touch the second this, and for some reason or other, he
had to pull the plug on the Debian disk (he nedeed desperatedly a file
on the Windows side, and he didn't know about "mount -t vfat ...")

He expected nothig to happen, but he got 1FA: on boot (remember, the
Debian disk was not plugged). He said 1, and it started to load, but
nothing happened.

Plugging back the Debian disk, he wrote a lilo.conf, lilo agreed with
it, and when he got to the prompt "LILO boot:" he wrote "win", and lilo
said "Loading win..." and nothing.

He tried booting with a dos disk, and did FDISK /MBR, but DOS doesn't
see the disk (no matter if it's set as primary or secondary or the other
disks is plugged or not) 

dos's fdisk does not see the partition.

cfdisk /dev/hdb sees the partition, but it writes

DOS FAT16 (big) [^D9] (I know, ^D9 is the disk label... it's funny)

mount cann't mount the partition. It gives an error about an invalid
super block, or something like that (he is getting anxious, and he's
starting not to read what's on the screen... I bet many of you know the
tune, and I can't get to his computer right now) 

If you can reply to me (or the list) and also cc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] that'd be most appreciated. 


Marcelo Magallón

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