"Albert Hurd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am a wet-behind the ears newbe who has just installed Debian 1.3.1. /home
> did not have
> a subdir /ahurd (my user name) even tho I am listed with that home dir in
> passwd file.
> I tried mkdir ahurd in /home and got "cannot make directory ahurd: readonly
> filesystem.
> An ls -l indeed showed home as readonly. I then tried chmod u+rw home and
> it failed with
> same message: Readonly filesystem, even when I try it as root. /home is the
> only directory
> except proc marked readonly. What do I do now. Help would be much
> appreciated.

It appears that something got messed up during your install such that
either your / partition or your /home partition is not getting mounted 
properly.  Tell me, is /home on the same partition as /?  (If you're
uncertain, posting the contents of your /etc/fstab would help).  If
your / partition isn't being mounted read-write, then you won't be
able to change any files on the system, and there's probably some
hangup in the boot process (which you would know by getting many error 
messages on boot-up).

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