On Fri, 26 Dec 1997 23:35:55 GMT, "Rick" wrote:
> Hi
> I am a compleate newbie to this whole linux thang(but am making some
> progress - but not much), i have just recived the 'official' cd, and am
> wondering about how to get this xwin thing to work. i have read loads of
> docs (etc) but am having very little joy

I've often found that taking a break helps concentration and thus joy.

> can somebody please help me get xwin running on my system
> AMD 5x86 133mhz (486)
> Matrox Mystique II, 4mb
> unknown second hand ICL 14" monitor (no information)
> UK win95 keybd
> MS 'Home' 2 but mouse (the dark blue one!)
> I am compleatly stuck, i have downloaded the matrox specific suse tgz
> files, then install and run fine, but am still buggered (even when i think
> everything is going well), can i install a basic vga version just to get me
> started? if so how! help!

Getting vga mode to work should be pretty simple.  The only reason svga 
might not be as easy is that I dunno if your vid card is supported and 
it'd be advisable to find out your monitor specs.  Anyway, this is how 
I'd do it:

Put cd into drive.

Become root.

Type "dselect" in the console and press enter.

Confirm that you access method is cdrom, and directories are correct.  
If you last used the cdrom access method in dselect, you can probably 
skip this step.

Type "s" and press enter to go into select mode.

Type "/" then "vga" (or another search string) and press enter, then 
"\" until you find the xserver-vga16 package.

Type "+" and then fulfill any outstanding dependencies which may arise 
(possibly ldso and libc5) in the same manner.

Since this is a vga only install, uninstall the xserver-svga package by 
highlighting it and then pressing "_" to purge it, just to be sure it's 
not causing any hassles.

Press enter to exit select mode (fulfill any remaining dependencies if 
they arise).

Type "i" and press enter to install the selected package(s) and accept 
defaults as they arise.

Dselect should then run a configuration utility where you enter your 
monitor and video card information.  If you don't know what your 
monitor specs are, you may choose at your own risk to use the lamest 
setting you think might work.  There is a brief test, which I'd 
recommend you use if you choose to go that route.

If configuration doesn't run or aborts, after you exit dselect you 
should be able to type XF86Setup or xf86config, or something like that. 
 If neither works, type "X" or "x" and then press the tab key to see 
all your possibilities.  This feature is called "Tab Completion" (or 
something like that) and is a feature of your console shell (bash, by 
default).  Look for something similar to "XConfig".  Such programs also 
have man pages (e.g.: "man XConfig") which provide further information.

Type "r" and press enter to remove the xserver-svga package.

Type "c" and press enter to run through any outstanding configuration.

Type "q" and press enter to quit.

For testing, it's ok to remain root.  Type "startx" and press enter.

After several seconds, you should see whatever your default windows 
manager you have installed, probably fvwm95 (depends on fvwm-common 
--you did install these before, right?).  If you want to see if you 
have a fvwm window manager installed, type "dpkg -l | grep fvwm" and 
press enter.  This pipes a listing of all your installed packages 
through "grep fvwm" which will only display lines which have fvwm in 
them, so that hundreds of packages don't go scrolling off your screen.

David Stern


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