On Sat, Dec 27, 1997 at 09:23:19AM +0000, Rob wrote:
> This may be a bit obvious, but I found, when I was trying to get SSI to
> work, that just editing the conf files was not good enough:  I had to run
> 'apacheconfig' afterwards.  Once you have done that, view
> /etc/apache/httpd.conf and check that the line for mod_includes has been
> uncommented. Occasionally, it needed a reboot to get the changes to 'take'.

You're correct; if you let apacheconfig work out which modules
to use itself initially, it won't include mod_include unless you've
used it in your web page (I don't know exactly how it works it out).
I tend to configure it by hand with what I think I might need
rather than what it thinks I already need. That way I don't run in
to problems with things just not working.

Glad to hear that it is working.

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