On Sat, Dec 27, 1997 at 05:55:14PM +0100, Orn E. Hansen wrote:
>   This game just made it resently into Debian, and I tried it... but so far I
> haven't gotten past the level, has anyone else?
>   There is one daimond at lower left corner, trapped behind three rocks, and
> obviously your supposed to snap it quickly before the top rocks falls on you. 
> However, I'd really like to know if anyone has been able to do that... as it
> doesn't seem to be responsive enough on my computer?

"Gosh", I want to cry out, "RTFM!".

A hint:

/usr/doc/README.gz, line 165-166

Thank you,
"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."                         Debian GNU/Linux
Marcus Brinkmann                                      http://www.debian.org
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